Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hobbies And Interests For Cv Of Beauty Therapist


A Christmas reflection by this video and I greet each of you my dear @ s students of 4 º D, 2008.

With Celia

Monday, December 14, 2009

Engraved Baby Silverware


Friday, December 11, 2009

Best Shocks For Jeep Liberty

page on basic geometry

Hello sailors! I'm with my students in math and have decided to include this game on my blog so fast calculations practiquéis. It's simple and you will believe it is for children, but I encourage you to try it and see how easy it is to beat the machine.
Math Mountain
The objective is to reach the mountaintop, you must answer math quickly escalate. Game for one or two players

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wearing Baby Pants And Diapers

A New Game page to make your own reviews

Hello everybody!!
In this new post I put a link to a page called MasMates in which you can create your own tests, interactive exercises, ... The exercises are corrected and you can see if they are good or not. You just have to follow the steps you indicated and as is!!
I hope, as on other occasions, you find it helpful.
Until next time! MASMATES

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kates Playground 2010 Perved

Fractions Decimals

Hello visitors!!
This page that I recommend is to exercise practiquéis fractions. Lucia I hope your convenience.
As before, I also wish you find it useful and that you bring forth much good.
you soon. Fractions exercises.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What Makes A Dogs Hemocratic High

What visitors?
This entry is a link to my students of 1 º ESO. It can see what the numbers are decimals, how to deal with them and do some exercises interactive.
I want them to be of much uitilidad.
Decimal numbers next to surfers!

Rome Total War No Prior

Sexagesimal System II

Hello everyone. I guess I echábais and some less.
Well I'm here.
This link is dedicated to my students of 2 º ESO to see some examples of operations in the sexagesimal system. Operations sexagesimal system.
As always, I hope you find it useful. See you soon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Very Firm Cervix High 7dpo

A song for peace

express much I think these singers, watch the video and think:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Driver Audio Ibm Thinkcentre M52

The eight natural regions of Peru

have a map with a cross-section to Peru and are eight regions:

And here's a video and some information:

BORN Eight Natural Regions (
Eight Natural Regions of Peru

- Eight Natural Regions of Peru

With the passage of time and as a result of these developments is that Javier Pulgar Vidal presents his thesis: "The Eight Natural Regions of Peru" , where a new vision of the country, he distinguishes eight natural regions. As mentioned above, is understood as natural region to an area where there are common factors such as topography, climate, flora, fauna and landscape.

This thesis made in 1938, the Peruvian geographer Javier Pulgar Vidal, a native of Huanuco and presented in 1940 to institute Geography and history, where it received unanimous support, said that in Peru you can identify eight natural regions.
Javier Pulgar Vidal, Peruvian Geographer

- Javier Pulgar Vidal, Geographer

Peruvian Javier Pulgar In this approach, activity, ranks the Peruvian territory from the territory showed differences according to altitude, climate, flora, fauna, topography , product range, the geographic knowledge of the ancient Andean people (inherited ancestral wisdom Peruvian man), place names and landscape modification by man. It is here that first time is offered a broad and accurate view of biodiversity Peru. Here are eight natural regions of Peru, according to Javier Pulgar Vidal:

1. The coast or chala (0-500 m), essentially flat, dominated by grasslands and deserts.
2. The Yungas, a region of warm and fertile valleys and presents the call yunga sea, located west of the Andes (500-2300 m) and yunga river east of the Andes (1000-2300 m).
3. The Quechua (2300-3500 m) that includes the valleys, canyons, alluvial plains formed by rivers and mountains.
4. The Sunni region (3500-4000 masl), which has a very uneven relief with presence narrow valleys and very steep ravines.
5. The highlands (4000-4800 masl), which is a cold region and the presence of the high Andean plateaus.
6. The Janca or range (above the 4,800 ft), which is the region of glaciers and permanent snow.
7. The high forest or rupa rupa (400-1000 m), which has a hilly and covered with vegetation.
8. The forest floor or Omagua (80 - 400 m) with a low relief terrain.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cat Has White Worm Coming Out Of Butt


Click on the map and you can play to locate the countries: animation

View ©

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Friday, August 14, 2009

How Much Would A Weave


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Port Royale 2 Bluescreen

Laws of monotony

w If both members of inequality is compounded by a single number, you get another inequality in the same direction.

w If you add two inequalities limb from limb in the same direction, you get another inequality in the same direction as the previous. Definition

or Subtraction subtraction is the inverse function of the sum. The difference between a natural number a and another natural number b is equal to a number r, which added ab gives the number a.

From the above definition we can say that the subtraction of two natural numbers is a feature that some ordered pairs of natural numbers correspond makes another natural number called difference. The subtraction is only defined for ordered pairs in which: To view the graphs enter this page by clicking here

property of monotony in the sum:
8> 7
if you add the same on both sides of inequality does not change
eg: 8 + A> 7 + A
If you subtract that also happens:
8-1> 7-1
is "uniformity" of the sum.
also works with the equalities:
eg: X +10 = 4
subtract 10 to both sides ... X +10 -10 = 4-10
mean ... X = -6 (q is in use in clearing equations)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Models 2010 The Sims 2


s obesity Hi:
Maybe these videos will serve them if they need more than just warn.
a wonderful vacation and I will find some games. click on the pet and see how active and fly fighter (do first click more). A hug

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kenwood And Sony Amp Package

Another interesting game strategy game

A calentéis game so I head this summer. Connection

The goal is simple, connect the two circles of power moving chips together horizontally or vertically

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Watch Taken Mini Series Online


Two videos that can help

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why Does Riff Raff Kill

Hello visitors.
I want to thank all of your visits with them you show me that you are interested in the exciting world of mathematics as me.
I think for a while I will not write on the blog, so to say goodbye until the next I leave a link to a game that I think you'll like it. I hope you enjoy it.
Fat Slice
mouse pointer turns into a knife, cut the shapes with the fewest possible and try to cut the balls do not touch

Monday, June 1, 2009

Milena Velba - Pool Fun

Hello everyone. Again I put
another interesting page for you to see how the generation of bodies of revolution. On this page you will also see the development of a prism and the calculation of its area. As always, I hope you find it helpful.

revolution Corps

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drivers Of Sleh-00030

Over the life of Marcelino


Celebrating Mary in her month

not forget to pray to Mary and trust her, as did the Father Champagnat. Always remember
is Our Good Mother

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grainy Dvd Sony Bluray Player

Areas of plane figures and solids

!!!!! Hello sailors I just want indicaros
direction to those / who need to review areas of plane figures like those of solid figures. I hope, as always, you find it useful. By the way, I hope that my students of 2 º ESO prepares them for their next test. See you soon! Areas 2

Monday, April 27, 2009

Anusol Versus Preparation H


"If you think that hanging can kill the labor movement ... the movement of which the downtrodden millions, the millions who work in poverty and the need to wait for their salvation, if this is your opinion, then ahórcanos! Here trample a spark, but here and there, behind you, before you, and everywhere, flames will emerge. It is a fire underground. You can not put out. "
Albert Spies (executed in Chicago on November 11, 1887)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stockings Girdles Matures

Visit this page
A picture
If you click on the window above the image is enlarged. Successes.

geological periods geological periods andrexito22
information: Precambrian

· It extends from the origin of the Earth (4600 million years ago) to 570 million years.

• This period covers more than 80% of geological time.

· There several masses of continental crust that were grouped to form the "Pangea 1."

• This period is divided into two stages:


* From the origin of the Earth up to 2500 million years ago.

° is rocks 3800 million years.

· The rocks of this period can be found in the mountains. Rocky Canyon and in stable areas of the interior of continents.

- Proterozoic

· from for 2500 to 570 million years. • Between

for 1700 and 1000 million years, igneous intrusion occurs. • Also

continental expansion occurs and the grouping of continetes where Pangea is fragmented by creating the North American continent and Europe. PALEOZOIC

· It extends for 2500 and 570 million years

· Start with the fragmentation of Pangea 1 of Precambrian form a large number of dispersed continents, who returned to collide with each other, creating mountain ranges or orogens.

· It is divided into six periods: Cambrian, Ordorícico, Silúrgico, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian.

- Cambrian

· For 570 to 500,000,000 years. · It breaks the supercontinent called Pangea.


· From 500-430 million years.


· from 430 to 395,000,000 years ago, and from 395 to 345 miles. years. · It will form the "orogeny Caledon" resulting in the Appalachians and Caledónides and the Iapetus Ocean between Laurentia and Baltica plates.

• Almost at the same time as the Iapetus disappears, causing Arctic America hits the orogen Franklin, located in northern Canada, Greenland and Siberia.

- Carboniferous

· For 345 and 280 million years. · It will form the "Hercynian orogeny.

· We create new wetlands that later formed deltaic forests.

· It is the ocean between the plates Paleotetis Harmonica and Gondwana.

• Also it creates part of the Iberian Peninsula.


· For 280 to 225 mill. years.

· It reunites the great continent of Pangea 2.

· The masses called Siberia, hit Amunia Kazaskstania and Laurasia, resulting in the Urals and Verhojansk. Mesozoic


· For 225 to 190 mill. years.


· For 190 to 135,000,000 years.

· It is increasingly opening up the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, "Pantalasa" shrinks and gives way to the Pacific Ocean.

· North America separated from Africa, India, Africa and Antarctica, Australia and Antarctica and Africa.

• The "Thetis" begins to close, the associated compression will result in the formation of a series of mountain ranges along its edges.

• At the end of the Jurassic, South America and Africa began to separate. In the middle of both continents are deposited sediments, first and then later marine environment.


· For 135 and 65 miles. years.

complete separation · The Africa-South America. During the initial stages of the opening of the South Atlantic is intense evaporation.

• The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is diverted from the West Greenland to the East.

• The displacement and counterclockwise rotation of Africa and turning clockwise as the Eurasian plate close the eastern end of Tethys.

· A except for Greenland and Europe on one side and Australia and Antarctica on the other, all the continents are separated.

· A late Mesozoic orogeny occurs called "Alpine" leading to the Alpine ranges. CENOZOIC

· from 65 million years ago until today. · We are the large current ranges (Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rocky Mountains)

• The Mediterranean dried up. • The India and Africa continue their journey north and will collide with the Eurasian continent.

· It is divided into two periods.


· For 65 to 2.5 mill. years.

· Latin America North and South are linked by the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.

• The India completes its translation to the north collided with the Asian plate resulted in the Himalayas.

· Australia separated from Antarctica and began his translation to his current position.

· Separation final of Europe and North America in the Paleógeneo.

· Oligocene marine transgression which reduces Europe on an island. In the Miocene the sea recedes, which is the maximum period of emersion.

• The Mediterranean Sea acquired its current configuration.

· Separation of South America and Antarctica through the opening passage of "Drake"

· It is divided into 5 stages in other smaller.

- Paleocene

· For 65 to 55 mill. years.

· Separation final of Europe and North America.


· For 55 to 38 mill. years.

• Between this and the next stage produces the "Pyrenean stage" resulting in the Pyrenees and outlines the rest of the European apinan chains.

- Oligocene

· For 38 to 26 mill. years.

· Phase Pyrenees.

• Between this stage and the next there is the "phase Savica" being the main thrust tectonics of the Alpine orogeny. He formed the mountains of Atlas, Betic, Alps, Himalayas and the Caucasus, among others.


· For 26 to 6 mill. years.

· Phase Savic.

· At the end of this stage occurs "Rodan stage."


· For 6 to 2.5 mill. years.


· For 2.5 mill. of years until today.

• It is the shorter period that exists now. GLOSSARY

· Pangea: Name proposed by Alfred Wegener to the existing supercontinent at the end of Paleozoic and which included all land masses.

· Orogeny Caledon: A set of processes and tectonic movements that create a new mountain range. This affected Greenland, Scotland and Europe.

· Hercynian Orogeny: The most important Paleozoic orogenic, since it is the union of most of the continental masses in the supercontinent Pangea 2, which caused the deformation of the material occupying the Bight (Proto-Tethys) between a set northern (Laurasia) and one southern (Gondwana). It can be seen in Europe, Africa and North America.

· Alpine Orogeny: The rocks of this time interval occupy 80% of the area. In some areas has revived recycled materials made in other orogenic cycles, deformed and metamorphosed, erasing the tracks from older orogenies.

· Tethys: the space now occupied by the peninsula was invaded by a vast sea that connected the Atlantic and the Mediterranean called the Tethys Sea.

· Drake: Antarctica is clear from Patagonia by the opening of Drake Passage.

· Phase Pyrenees: phase leading to mountains like the Pyrenees.

· Phase Savica: phase leading to mountains and mountain ranges like the Atlas, Betic, Alps, Himalayas and Caucasus inter

· Phase Rodan: phase leading to mountains and corresponds with the posthumous folding occurring during the late Miocene . (Http://

Monday, March 16, 2009

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solved exercises

To my students of 4 º ESO, I put this link to a page where you can see statistics exercises solved. They are of varying difficulty. It is best if you want, you can do the exercises first and then see if the solution is correct. As always, I hope the utilicéis and serve you a lot. Indeed, when accedáis to this page, you must click on the links at the start of it in the center.
Statistics solved exercises.

Architectural Model Material

Statistics Statistics with Statistical Graphics Hot Potatoes

Hello everyone.
This link is for those who want to review the theory of statistics at the level of ESO. It helps that interesting and I hope you know to take advantage. Statistics

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Can Eyeclops Projector Work With A Computer

A brief video in which are some of the main types of graphics that are to represent statistical data.

How Long Does It Take To Get Results Of An Sti

From a point and a continuous vector equation of the line game

Hello everyone. Dedicated to my students of 4 º ESO hang this video to see, step by step, how to calculate the continuous equation of the line given a point and the direction vector of the same. At the end of the video, is how to calculate points belonging to the line. It is interesting, especially for those studying this topic. I told you how to videos Systems of Equations, I think if they get to hear the explanations yet seen how, learn more easily. Until next time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Most Popular Toys In The Philippines

Hello visitors. I recommended this game since long ago, but now I hang it on the blog for practiquéis mathematical agility when making calculations. Dare and dsifruta!.

Sanou Heiretu Are you quick
with the math?, prove in this game, complete addition, subtraction, multiplication or division in the shortest time possible

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Green House Effect Solutions

calculation speed of the line equations

Hello visitors.
As I begin to explain a matter of geometry on the equations of the line, they'll put a link to practiquéis exercise about it. I hope, as always, you find it useful. Straight

Friday, February 20, 2009

What Does Bmi Of 18.2 Mean?

Hello again.
This entry is dedicated to my students of 4 º ESO Here I put a link to a page where the trigonometric ratios are explained and several applications of trigonometry. I think they will be very useful. I hope Thanks to clarify it a bit more with all these new concepts. Come on, I encourage you to practiquéis. Trigonometry

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Trigonometry Equations Systems (II)

Hello visitors.
I have already posted several videos in which we see how to solve systems of linear equations by the three analytical methods that are known. Well, now I put a link for those who want to practice in an interactive way.
on this page are several years, which, if you click on the appropriate system, you can see how it is resolved by each of the methods. I advise you resolváis first and then you see the solution.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Japanese Teacher Kissing

Another problem to think

!!!!!! I encourage you to
resolváis this other problem that you pose below:
"A king feels that his death is near, and calls his heirs to say," Legare my fortune to meet one of you a number of coins of 1 euro equal to half the number of days I have left to live. "
If you were one of the heirs, what would you do to try to get the inheritance following his premise?."
It's easy, just think a little. Encouragement and try it. Soon you'll

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Sister In The Webcam

Systems of Equations: Substitution Method

This video is the first of three videos that appear the title of "Systems of Equations." I wanted to hang these three videos for you to understand better how analytically reuelven systems of linear equations.
In the videos, a professor at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, "count" how reuelve the same system of equations by three different methods (Replacement, Reduction and Equalization). As seen with the three methods achieve the same solution. Thus, any of them will be suitable to get solve a system of linear equations. After seeing it, I hope practiquéis, for that is really going to learn to solve systems of equations.

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Systems of Equations: Reduction Method

This video explains how to solve a system of linear equations by the method of reduction. I hope you find it useful.

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Systems of Equations: Method of matching

Hello visitors.
I posted this video for those who need to "understand" best matching method for solving systems of linear equations. Above all I dedicate it to my students, because for them these methods are very "difficult" to understand. The video may not be very attractive and colorful, but listen to the explanations the time we see him writing step by step helps.