have a map with a cross-section to Peru and are eight regions:

And here's a video and some information:
BORN Eight Natural Regions (http://www.chamiradio.org.pe/2009/03/26/el-aula-en-la-radio-conoce-las-regiones-naturales-del-peru/)
Eight Natural Regions of Peru
- Eight Natural Regions of Peru
With the passage of time and as a result of these developments is that Javier Pulgar Vidal presents his thesis: "The Eight Natural Regions of Peru" , where a new vision of the country, he distinguishes eight natural regions. As mentioned above, is understood as natural region to an area where there are common factors such as topography, climate, flora, fauna and landscape.
This thesis made in 1938, the Peruvian geographer Javier Pulgar Vidal, a native of Huanuco and presented in 1940 to institute Geography and history, where it received unanimous support, said that in Peru you can identify eight natural regions.
Javier Pulgar Vidal, Peruvian Geographer
- Javier Pulgar Vidal, Geographer
Peruvian Javier Pulgar In this approach, activity, ranks the Peruvian territory from the territory showed differences according to altitude, climate, flora, fauna, topography , product range, the geographic knowledge of the ancient Andean people (inherited ancestral wisdom Peruvian man), place names and landscape modification by man. It is here that first time is offered a broad and accurate view of biodiversity Peru. Here are eight natural regions of Peru, according to Javier Pulgar Vidal:
1. The coast or chala (0-500 m), essentially flat, dominated by grasslands and deserts.
2. The Yungas, a region of warm and fertile valleys and presents the call yunga sea, located west of the Andes (500-2300 m) and yunga river east of the Andes (1000-2300 m).
3. The Quechua (2300-3500 m) that includes the valleys, canyons, alluvial plains formed by rivers and mountains.
4. The Sunni region (3500-4000 masl), which has a very uneven relief with presence narrow valleys and very steep ravines.
5. The highlands (4000-4800 masl), which is a cold region and the presence of the high Andean plateaus.
6. The Janca or range (above the 4,800 ft), which is the region of glaciers and permanent snow.
7. The high forest or rupa rupa (400-1000 m), which has a hilly and covered with vegetation.
8. The forest floor or Omagua (80 - 400 m) with a low relief terrain.