I am Choco and Alex and I'm from Veracruz , Mexico which incidentally we are more in the clan Veracruzanos
Every start in July 2009 when I decided to create a clan called TEAM WAR using Sidewipe and then with the help of Prime, I thought making the clan with the aim of have members who can work as a team, one of the first members I met was John, Dragon, Killer, King Atlas, little by little we started to meet. Then one began to meet more members and now I am very surprised to be 14 members and all are excellent players. Today my task as leader is helping others and that and choose to John as my aprendiss since before it was Dragon. I like doing many Lokura with the clan, we are very close and I hope we're still together and still exists CLAN WAR TEAM.
Biography [TW] Juan_Cr
I am Juan Carlos xD Juan_Cr or as I prefer a summer afternoon I was playing halo, it was just a rookie, Avia tried several clans but none were good enough for me.
That afternoon I took a random server called HALO 100% MEXICO, were playing in that server: first, dragon and chocolate.
I ask:
''is a clan:
I improved over time but one day ....
I had a chocolate fight with dragon and atlas, this fight dragon made one of my best friends but .. and not connected and do not know anything about the xD
Finally, temporarily left the clan, but after reconsidering I decided to go
This brings us to today, I super made great friends with whom I have great confidence:
These are prime crash and the new recruit who has a promising ability with grenades, rise, I have been teaching a few things today, as much improved chocolate eh, I kill them all (in halo xD)
And be the best playing, so my friend is helping me choco
Biography [TW] Killer
Well, I'm Killer, and as I said my name I'ma MURDERER! xDD Well I
messenger. He proposed enter the clan and I gladly accepted, then one day I met all of the clan as Prime,
dragon, juan_cr and king. 1 Saturday was our first war, and estubo good to see ... although we lost but because the MD was a fucking bots!, but in order
congratulated me for being the best in the clan;) dragon, juan_cr and king. 1 Saturday was our first war, and estubo good to see ... although we lost but because the MD was a fucking bots!, but in order
Then we started to do lokura! or fun as you want lllamar where we were doing blowjobs, which we are still doing ... xDD One of them was get on a tank and throw from the very top of Deatch haha \u200b\u200bIsland Tank befallen us and made us hehee shit
Another was dancing like mad or whatever you want lol pndjo with steps so very erotic and horny strangers,
more than the red thong master chief xDD. Now we are a clan much more united and we respect ....
not quite good hehe but yeah, we played very well and I hope more follow this Clan TW! more than the red thong master chief xDD. Now we are a clan much more united and we respect ....
PD: Choco thx for giving me your ass ... in clear halo xDDD
all started when a holiday afternoon I found a post on the Internet that was halo
just downloaded Halo CE, very excited, including the servers and one caught my attention

After that I got to know a killer and then we had our first war lost by the other clan
not remember his name were some BOTS!.
I was the apprentice of chocolate: (
I separated from the clan for a fight we had (leease in the biography of john) xD.
and fight my best Juan_Cr iso friend entrave to other servers to make chaos and all that, I returned
to enter the clan, but damn that game SPORE I consumed months of my life, xD and so the clan and knew nothing
me, but now I'm back and better than ever yey.
says goodbye DΛИΥDЯΛGØИ ™
King Of The Lokura
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