"(Agamemnon) - Hear, hear! What shouts are these?
(NESTOR) - Alto, drums!
(VOICE) - Achilles! Achilles! Hector is dead, and Achilles!
(AJAX) - If true, that there is no joy, the great Hector was a man who deserved it.
(Agamemnon) - Let's continue our march peacefully. You send someone to pray to the great Achilles to come and see us at our store. If the gods have done us the favor of this death, the Great Troy is ours and our wars have ended. "
[W. Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act V, Scene IX]
is well held in moderation Sabadell Swimming Club Astralpool his incredible win at Catania. To rest the warrior with the satisfaction and pride in his feat engraved in the heart: another scenario can be seen from the height.
recocijo But that has not, for the great team that deserves Orizzonte is discretion to defeat. Eight continental trophies and, above all, a desire for glory contemplate his career. From a humble home have removed the filter from the pure ambition. Orizzonte history of Catania is the story of a huge project that has helped focus media attention on women's water polo.
invulnerability His fame and now lie on the plain of Troy. Should not be the executioner who drag his body strapped to the horses. Continue
Sabadell their march peacefully and to request a humble and combative spirit that go with each new battle. If the gods have favored Nesima victory in the pool, maybe the Final Four thing is done and that the misfortunes of the previous years have been completed.
do not know. But it is always wise to ignore the shouts, glorious spoils buried with ceremony and stare, with the same attitude and fearlessness, to the next opponent.