Friday, January 14, 2011

What Job Can I Get That Involve Horses

Halo Indefinite Leave: Possible two new trilogies in 2012/2013 and a movie in 2014

Halo: Possible two new trilogies in 2012/2013 and a movie 2014

Starlight Runner, trans-media company it forward. Microsoft responds that the information "is not accurate."

Halo: Reach
In the New York Comic-Con being held this weekend, there is also room for Halo, thanks to Starlight Runner participation, planning company trans-media campaigns of several franchises, including Halo.

Starlight President, Jeff Gomez, has surprised stating that for the future of the Halo franchise await us two new trilogy that began the 2012/2013 and a super production on the big screen in 2014.

The average American Joystiq has contacted Microsoft and received the following reply: "We work with Starlight in the past, but the information is not an accurate representation of our plans for the Halo franchise."


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